
Backlog mushrooms are organic waste used as a plant medium. Also, bio-slurry is a waste of biogas, used as an organic fertilizer, due to containing many rotting microbes. When the two ingredients are combined, it becomes a good source of organic fertilizer for plants. Furthermore, strawberry fruits (Fragaria sp.) are increasingly getting demanded, due to their vitamin content, which is very good for the health. The purpose of this study was to determine the interaction between the treatment of bio-slurry concentration and the composition of the growing media on the growth and yield of strawberries. Also, the study was conducted in the integrated laboratory of the Agrotechnology education park, Muhammadiyah University of Malang, between February to May 2019. This research used factorial experiments which were arranged randomly in groups. The first factor was the concentration of liquid bio-slurry, such as C0 (water, without bio-slurry), C1 (100 ml / l), C2 (125 ml / l), and C3 (150 ml / l), while that of the second was the volumetric comparison of the planting medium composition (soil : husk charcoal : mushroom baglog waste), namely M1 = (1: 1: 2), M2 = (1: 2: 1), and M3 = (2: 1: 1), with each treatment combination repeated 3 times. These results further showed no interaction between the concentration of bio-slurry, and the composition of planting media on the growth and yield of strawberries.

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