
Sitravatinib (MGCD516) is an orally available, small molecule, tyrosine kinase inhibitor that has been evaluated in patients with advanced solid tumors. Concentration-corrected QT interval (QTc; C-QTc) modeling was undertaken, using 767 matched concentration-ECG observations from 187 patients across two clinical studies in patients with advanced solid malignancies, across a dose range of 10-200 mg, via a linear mixed-effects (LME) model. The effect on heart rate (HR)-corrected QT interval via Fridericia's correction method (QTcF) at the steady-state maximum concentration (Cmax,ss) for the sitravatinib proposed therapeutic dosing regimen (100 mg malate once daily [q.d.]) without and with relevant intrinsic and extrinsic factors were predicted. No significant changes in HR from baseline were observed. Hysteresis between sitravatinib plasma concentration and change in QTcF from baseline (ΔQTcF) was not observed. There was no significant relationship between sitravatinib plasma concentration and ΔQTcF. The final C-QTc model predicted a mean (90% confidence interval [CI]) ΔQTcF of 3.92 (1.95-5.89) ms and 2.94 (0.23-6.10) ms at the proposed therapeutic dosing regimen in patients with normal organ function (best case scenario) and patients with hepatic impairment (worst-case scenario), respectively. The upper bounds of the 90% CIs were below the regulatory threshold of concern of 10 ms. The results of the described C-QTc analysis, along with corroborating results from nonclinical safety pharmacology studies, indicate that sitravatinib has a low risk of QTc interval prolongation at the proposed therapeutic dose of 100 mg malate q.d.

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