
Well water sources from selected communities in Ekpeyeland were assessed for the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The assessment was conducted seasonally in six communities. The concentrations of the PAHs were determined using standard methods and procedures and finally quantified by the use of GC-MS chromatography. The result showed the presence of all the 16 USEPA priority PAHs in the examined water samples. Seasonal variations were not significant. The summed values of PAHs from stations and seasons were above the permissible limit required for by WHO. Classification of the different categories of PAHs identified higher molecular weight (HMW) PAHs more in concentration than lower molecular weight (LMW) PAHs in the wells. Source identification proved that both pyrogenic and petrogenic sources were responsible for the presence of PAHs in the well water. However, pyrogenic source was the more prominent source of PAHs in the water. There was high level of carcinogenic PAHs in the water and thus the water portends danger to the users. Therefore, the locals are advised not to consume the water to avoid its effect on the long run.

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