
Objective: To determine nitrite and nitrate levels, hydrogen potential (pH), and water activity (aw) in sausages marketed in Southern Brazil, and compare the levels among different brands. Methods: Quantitative experimental cross-sectional study conducted with 72 sausage samples collected in two municipalities in the Regiao do Vale do Taquari, Rio Grande do Sul,,between June and August 2015. Three samples from different batches of each eight distinct sausage brands which were supervised by the Federal Inspection Service were analyzed in triplicate according to their nitrite and nitrate levels, pH and water activity. Data underwent ANOVA and Chi-squared tests with p<0.05. Results: Samples met the recommended standards for pH and water activity (6.33 ± 0.32 and 0.91 ± 0.01, respectively), while 40.3% (29) and 50.0% (36) of the samples presented nitrite and nitrate levels, respectively, significantly above what is recommended by the legislation (p<0.05). The mean nitrite levels of the remaining samples were significantly lower (p=0.001), and mean nitrate levels were significantly higher (p=0.009) than the value established by legislation. Conclusion: The samples met the recommended levels of pH and water activity. Of eight brands assessed, three presented satisfactory levels of nitrate and nitrite. The mean levels of nitrite and water activity were significantly lower and the mean levels of nitrate and pH were significantly higher than the recommendations. Additionally, mean nitrate and nitrite levels of five brands were significantly higher than what is recommended by the legislation.


  • A salsicha da marca C foi a que apresentou maiores teores de nitrato e nitrito e maior valor de potencial hidrogeniônico (pH)

  • Quando comparadas as marcas quanto ao percentual de amostras com valores de nitrito e nitrato de acordo com a legislação brasileira, uma diferença significativa foi observada, conforme demonstrado na Tabela III

  • Tabela III - Comparação entre as marcas de salsichas quanto à adequação dos teores de nitrito e nitrato à legislação

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Objetivo: Determinar as concentrações de nitrito e nitrato, potencial hidrogeniônico (pH) e atividade de água (Aa) em salsichas comercializadas em uma região do sul do Brasil, e comparar essas concentrações entre as diferentes marcas. Avaliaram-se três amostras de lotes diferentes, por meio das variáveis de nitrito, nitrato, pH e atividade de água, em triplicata, de cada uma das oito marcas de salsichas fiscalizadas pelo Serviço de Inspeção Federal. Resultados: A totalidade das amostras apresentou-se dentro dos padrões para pH e Aa (6,33 ± 0,32 e 0,91 ± 0,01, respectivamente), enquanto 40,3% [29] e 50,0% [36] apresentaram níveis de nitrito e nitrato, respectivamente, significativamente acima do estabelecido pela legislação (p

Marca ABCDEFGH Valor p*
Marcas ABCDEFGH Valor p*
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