
Charsadda to Peshawar road is characterized with diverse surrounding environment of residential settlements,industrial zones, commercial and agricultural sectors along with heavy traffic route which is contributing to heavy metalpollution. This study is focused on heavy metals: Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr) and Lead (Pb) contribution to theatmospheric pollution level. The heavy metals pollution assessment is carried out by sample collection (soil dust samplesand two vegetation species Cyperus esculentus and Cynodon dactylon) from ten sites along the road which were analyzedby using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). Average values of pollution index (PI) as well as average value ofpollution load index (PLI) for Cr, Cd and Pb in case of Cyperus esculentus, Cynodon dactylon and dust were calculated.Geo-accumulation index of roadside dust for Cr, Cd and Pb were estimated along with ecological risk due to roadsidedust using potential ecological risk index (RI). The analyses of this study suggest that the indices for the Cd metal foundto be of more concern than Cr or Pb which correspond to middle or low level of pollution. Statistical analysis revealedthat the three metals had a weak to moderate relationship with one another indicating multiple and somewhat similarsources of pollution.

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