
There is a wide consensus that the shadow prices of certain resources in an economic system are equal to Lagrange multipliers. However, this is misleading with respect to multiple Lagrange multipliers. In this paper, we propose a new type of Lagrange multiplier, the weighted minimum norm Lagrange multiplier, which is a type of shadow price. An attractive aspect of this type of Lagrange multiplier is that it conveys the sensitivity information when resources are required to be proportionally input. To compute the weighted minimum norm Lagrange multiplier, we propose two algorithms. One is the penalty function method with numeric stability, and the other is the accelerated gradient method with fewer arithmetic operations and a convergence rate of \begin{document}$ O(\frac{1}{k^2}) $\end{document} . Furthermore, we propose a two-phase procedure to compute a particular subset of shadow prices that belongs to the set of bounded Lagrange multipliers. This subset is particularly attractive since all its elements are computable shadow prices. We report the numerical results for randomly generated problems.

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