
Large scale tensors, including large scale Hankel tensors, have many applications in science and engineering. In this paper, we propose an inexact curvilinear search optimization method to compute Z- and H-eigenvalues of mth order n dimensional Hankel tensors, where n is large. Owing to the fast Fourier transform, the computational cost of each iteration of the new method is about $$\mathcal {O}(mn\log (mn))$$O(mnlog(mn)). Using the Cayley transform, we obtain an effective curvilinear search scheme. Then, we show that every limiting point of iterates generated by the new algorithm is an eigen-pair of Hankel tensors. Without the assumption of a second-order sufficient condition, we analyze the linear convergence rate of iterate sequence by the Kurdyka---źojasiewicz property. Finally, numerical experiments for Hankel tensors, whose dimension may up to one million, are reported to show the efficiency of the proposed curvilinear search method.

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