
Introduction: Language Variation Studies and Computational Humanities, John Nerbonne, Charlotte Gooskens, Sebastian Kurschner and Renee van Bezooijen Panel Discussion on Computing and the Humanities, John Nerbonne, Paul Heggarty, Roeland van Hout and David Robey Making Sense of Strange Sounds: (Mutual Intelligibility of Related Language Varieties. A Review, Vincent van Heuven Phonetic and Lexical Predictors of Intelligibility, Charlotte Gooskens, Wilbert Heeringa and Karin Beijering Linguistic Determinants of the Intelligibility of Swedish Words among Danes, Sebastian Kurschner, Charlotte Gooskens and Renee van Bezooijen Mutual Intelligibility of Standard and Regional Dutch Language Varieties, Leen Impe, Dirk Geeraerts and Dirk Speelman The Dutch-German Border: Relating Linguistic, Geographic and Social Distances, Folkert de Vriendt, Charlotte Giesbers, Roeland van Hout, and Louis ten Bosch The Space of Tuscan Dialectal Variation: A Correlation Study, Simonetta Montemagni Recognising Groups among Dialects, Jelena Proki? and John Nerbonne Comparison of Component Models in Analysing the Distribution of Dialectal Features, Antti Leino and Saara Hyvonen Factor Analysis of Vowel Pronunciation in Swedish Dialects, Therese Leinonen Representing Tone in Levenshtein Distance, Cathryn Yang and Andy Castro The Role of Concept Characteristics in Lexical Dialectometry, Dirk Speelman and Dirk Geeraerts What Role does Dialect Knowledge Play in the Perception of Linguistic Distances?, Wilbert Heeringa, Charlotte Gooskens and Koenraad De Smedt Quantifying Dialect Similarity by Comparison of the Lexical Distribution of Phonemes, Warren Maguire Corpus-based Dialectometry: Aggregate Morphosyntactic Variability in British English Dialects, Benedikt Szmercsanyi.

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