
The authors presented the results of a study of the morphology of Allium seeds from the subgenus Cepa: Cepa section (Mill.) Prokh. A. fistulosum L., A. altaiсum Pall., A. galanthum Kar. & Kir., A. oschaninii O. Fedtsch., A. pskemense B. Fedtsch.; Schoenoprasum Dum. – A. altyncoliсum, A. ledebourianum, A. oliganthum, A. schoenoprasum L.; Condensatum N. Friesen – A. condensatum, from the biocollection of All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing – Branch of the Federal State Budgetary «Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Centre for Vegetable Growing») (Moscow region). Seeds were 2.74 – 3.50 mm long and 1.33 – 2.14 mm wide. The morphological characteristics of the seeds can be used as additional taxonomic indicators in the identification and classification of taxa within the Cepa subgenus of the genus Allium. The authors measured the morphometric and optical parameters of the seeds by image analysis using VideoTest-Morphology software developed at Argus Bio Ltd. (St. Petersburg). Seed digital images were obtained using an HP Scanjet 200 digital flatbed scanner, 600 dpi resolution, and JPG file format. Morphometric parameters of seeds were determined, including projection area (cm2), length, width, perimeter, average size (mm), average diameter Fere, factors of roundness, elongation, ellipse, rugosity (relative units), parameters of brightness, tonality, color saturation (relative units). Based on the results of the study, a series of distributions of species was compiled in descending order of each of the characters studied. Within the Cepa section, the seeds of A. pskemense had the maximum linear size, perimeter, and cross-sectional area. Within the Schoenoprasum section, the seeds of A. altyncolium had the maximum length. The maximum width, perimeter, cross-sectional area, and average diameter of Fere seeds were recorded for A. ledebourianum. In the Cepa section, the average RGB value in descending order was as follows: A. pskemense > A. galanthum > A. fistulosum > A. altaiсum > A. oschaninii. In the Schoenoprasum section, this series is as follows. A. schoenoprasum > A. ledebourianum > A. altyncoliсum > A. oliganthum.

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