
In the last years quite a few approaches to bioassays were proposed by severa! invest igators, because chemical analyt ical techniques have not yet been developed to cover the fu l l range of possible water pol lutants. Especially algal assays continue to be used extensively in t o x i c i t y test ing. But s t i l l there are only few exist ing assays which are standardized. The high va r i ab i ! i t y and d i f ferent sens i t i v i t y of organisms require a great amount of measurements and s ta t i s t i ca l data interpretat ion. To minimize variances in the test results and to f ac i l i a te a s ta t i st ical estimation, bioassays should be connected to a data system. In the fol lowing, two bioassays for algizide substances (a|gaef!uorescence bioassay, Benecke et al. 1982), Phormidium inh ib i t ion test (Sayk and Schmidt 1983) are presented, which run nearly completely controlled by a microcomputer system (Commodore 8032).

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