
Computerised software systems have undeniably continued to gain recognition in the implementation of reliable maintenance policies in today’s Industries. While significant investigations corroborating the importance of management technology in developed economies abound, this study examines the level of the technology’s success in a typical manufacturing firm in South Africa. Using an analytical research approach, useful maintenance indices were established from the dataset stored in the maintenance information management system of a case example manufacturing firm, designated ‘X-Company’ in this research for the sake of confidentiality. The result shows that, as applied currently to the replacement maintenance of the case example system, the technology requires optimisation. Maintenance policies that can improve the poor correlation between the current status on the one hand, and the established trends in the maintenance engineering literature and practice on the other, are recommended.


  • Computerised software systems and programs have continued to gain significant recognition in the implementation of reliable maintenance policies in today’s industries

  • Using an analytical research approach, useful maintenance indices were established from the dataset stored in the maintenance information management system of a case example manufacturing firm, designated ‘X-Company’ in this research for the sake of confidentiality

  • The procedure of the computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) derives much of its support from quality information management

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11 Nov 2020

While significant investigations corroborating the importance of management technology in developed economies abound, this study examines the level of the technology’s success in a typical manufacturing firm in South Africa. Using an analytical research approach, useful maintenance indices were established from the dataset stored in the maintenance information management system of a case example manufacturing firm, designated ‘X-Company’ in this research for the sake of confidentiality. Maintenance policies that can improve the poor correlation between the current status on the one hand, and the established trends in the maintenance engineering literature and practice on the other, are recommended. Gerekenariseerde sagtewarestelsels speeln toenemende rol in die implementering van betroubare instandhoudingsbeleid in die moderne industrie. Die resultaat toon dat die huidige implementering van die vervanging instandhouding gevallestudie verbeter kan word. Instandhoudingsbeleid wat die swak korrelasie tussen die huidige toestand, die gevestigde neigings in die literatuur en die praktyk, word voorgestel

Overview of CMMS application in maintenance management
CMMS prospects in the case study system
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