
This paper presents an interactive computer-aided site layout model to support site planning in a computer-aided design (CAD) environment and expands upon a model presented earlier by the writers. The developed model performs its task at two levels: Site representation, and site space analysis and allocation. The site representation is carried out using an open architecture supported by object-based concepts. The model offers three tiers of objects: (1) site objects, (2) construction objects, and (3) constraint objects. This structure facilitates the creation of new objects and reuse of domain knowledge, which allows for the gradual expansion and enrichment of the model's knowledge base. At the space analysis and allocation level, the model introduces a geometric reasoning approach to analyze site space for finding an optimum or near-optimum location for facilities. This feature facilitates easy visualization of the site planning process and encourages user participation. The model is structured in three main modules: Database, Project Module, and Layout Control Module. The functionality of each module, along with their interconnectivity is described. The model is implemented using Visual Basic for Applications in AutoCAD environment and Microsoft Access. A numerical example of an actual site layout is presented to illustrate the functionality of the developed model.

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