
Abstract : Research into mode competition in the Lowbitron and efficiency enhancement through magnetic field profiling; a novel method of gain and efficiency enhancement in the CARM (Electron Cyclotron Autoresonance Maser) which makes use of a transverse helical wiggler to inhibit parasitic autoresonant acceleration of electrons by the electromagnetic wave; absolute instability and tunability of the CARM through varying the solenoidal field; and cyclotron effective in an FEL (Free Electron Laser) with an axial guide magnetic field was carried out. The technical specification for a CARM oscillator in the megawatt power range, with the aim of designing a cost effective experiment utilizing an existing Magnetron Injection Gun and a gyrotron magnet, which will serve to verify the basic physics of the CARM and demonstrate its viability was also investigated. Extensive use of computer simulations using relativistic, electromagnetic PIC codes was made in this study. Keywords: Electron cyclotron autoresonance maser, Free electron laser.

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