
Sources of root-mean-square (RMS) emittance growth are described for negative ion extractors in both volume and surface negative ion sources and plasma low-energy beam transport systems. For surface negative ion sources of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory or Los Alamos National Laboratory [on Los Alamos Meson Particle Facility (LAMPF)], attention is paid to the nonlinear transverse emittance growth mechanism of the beam/warm plasma interaction. In some cases this is a large effect. In addition, non-normal sheath fields at a convertor are examined as a source of emittance growth. For volume sources, attention is paid to aberration production due to field penetration from the extractor, RMS emittance growth enhancement by a negatively biased plasma extraction electrode, and emittance growth caused by transverse extraction across a magnetic field. For both volume and surface sources, RMS emittance growth due to nonlinear aberration at the plasma extraction electrode is analyzed. Time-dependent contributions to emittance growth are also examined. Nonlinear saturation of ion acoustic waves caused by ion extraction from a warm plasma and beam transversal through a plasma are studied.

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