
A computer model was developed to predict eddy currents and fluid flows in molten steel. The model was verified by comparing predictions with experimental results of liquid-metal containment and fluid flow in electromagnetic (EM) edge dams (EMDs) designed at Inland Steel (Ispat Industries Ltd.) for twin-roll casting. This mathematical model can greatly shorten casting research on the use of EM fields for liquid metal containment and control. It can also optimize the existing casting processes and minimize expensive, time-consuming full-scale testing. The model was verified by comparing predictions with experimental results of liquid metal containment and fluid flow in EM edge dams designed at Inland Steel (Ispat Industries Ltd.) for twin-roll casting. Numerical simulation was performed by coupling a three-dimensional (3D) finite-element EM code (ELEKTRA) and a 3D finite-difference fluids code (CaPS-EM) to solve Maxwell’s equations, Ohm’s law, Navier-Stokes equations, and transport equations of turbulence flow in a casting process that uses EM fields. ELEKTRA is able to predict the eddy-current distribution and EM forces in complex geometry. CaPS-EM is capable of modeling fluid flows with free surfaces and dynamic rollers. The computed 3D magnetic fields and induced eddy currents in ELEKTRA are used as input to flow-field computations in CaPS-EM. Results of the numerical simulation compared well with measurements obtained from both static and dynamic tests.

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