
3D graphics computer programs have long gone beyond interactive modelling and design tools. The programs allow real-time modelling of illumination in 3D scenes, which gives a unique opportunity to use them in education. Currently, the authors are trying to use computer graphics programs in teaching lighting design to students of engineering and humanities. The methodology developed by us has been evaluated in leading universities in Moscow. Based on the methodology, we managed to form a full-fledged course on teaching lighting design, which we conducted for students of Light and Engineering sub-department of the 3rd year at the NRU “MPEI”. This article gives a summary of the course, a description of the methodology, and presents the most striking works of students. Using examples of 3D modelling of illumination, the authors demonstrate how and because of which there are changes in engineering thinking towards creativity. Students move away from classical light and engineering and begin to take the first steps in the direction of lighting design. Conclusions are drawn about the expediency of introducing and further improving the methodology when studying the direction of lighting design in both engineering and humanities universities.

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