
A Computer Aided Modeling Program (CAMP) is developed to process a bond graph representation of a physical engineering system into suitable source input used by Digital Simulation Languages such as IBM DSL (Digital Simulation Language), CSMP (Continuous System Modeling Program), ACSL (Advanced Continuous Simulation Language) or CSSL (Continuous System Simulation Language). The basic philosophy and fundamental principles behind the design of CAMP are presented here. The preprocessed information includes the state variable representation of the system differential equations in first-order form. The appropriate input and interface software that simulation programs require is included in CAMP. The design and simulation of nonlinear systems and control systems has been investigated using this approach. The combination of a bond graph oriented program with a block diagram and FORTRAN oriented program is unique, and offers the best of both worlds, namely, the unified approach to modeling, automatic equation derivation from bond graphs and the extensive and flexible block modules of a continuous system simulator. A variety of cases are considered for mechanical, electromechanical, hydraulic and electrical systems.

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