
The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in the effectiveness of the computer-based “color mixing maze games” to stimulate symbolic thinking for the development of learning science in early childhood in the new era of industry 4.0. 23 samples in one kindergarten in Surabaya were used for this study consisted of 13 children (TK A1) for the experimental group and 10 children (TK A2) for the control group. This research was a type of quantitative experimental research using the Quasi-experiment method and the Non-equivalent Control Group Design. The Independent Sample T-Test was used for the data analysis technique and N-Gain with SPSS 21 was used for the effectiveness test. The results of the effectiveness test depicted a result of the Sig≤0.05 value and thus Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, which means that there were significant differences in effectiveness computer-based “color mixing maze games” compared with paper-based games to stimulate symbolic thinking in the development of learning science in early childhood. Computer-based games are stated to be able to provide the right understanding in the learning process including science learning in recognizing mixing colors.

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