
The purpose of this research was to produce a computer-assisted assessment model as valid, practice, and effective to decrease math anxiety and increase mathematical selfefficacy of junior high school students. The product that would be gained was assessment computer-assisted that using Moodle and GeoGebra Software. This research referred to ADDIE development model that had five stages, they were Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation, and Evaluation. The data collection techniques of this research were using students’ anxiety questionnaire and students self-efficacy questionnaire. The validator stated that the product which was developed was valid without revision. Product trials was done to 30 trials subject and gained that there was a decrease in anxiety level from medium anxiety (the anxiety average score 23,73) to lowest anxiety (the anxiety average score 10,3) and there was an increase to the self-efficacy average score from 27,13 (medium self-efficacy) became 37,36 (high self-efficacy).

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