
The intraoperative need for exact orientation during interventions in the paranasal sinuses and the augmented need for navigational aids in lateral skull base surgery have lead to the development of computer-aided tools during the last fifteen years. These tools, which provide the position of a tool or a pointer in the patient's preoperative radiologic imaging, have quickly gained a wide acceptance for revision surgeries and the surgical treatment of complex pathologies in Ear-, Nose- and Throat (ENT-) surgery. Currently, the use of such systems is spreading from academic centers to smaller hospitals and will become a standard tool in the near future. We review the present state of computer-aided surgery (CAS) systems, based on our experience as clinical and research centers with a long experience in the field, provide some technological background information and, based on selected cases, show the merits of this technology. The systems we have been working with cover a wide variety of intraoperative navigational systems in ENT surgery (Easy Guide, MedScan II, MKM, SNN, STN, SurgiGATE ORL, Treon, VectorVision, Viewing Wand, [without claiming completeness]), and virtually the whole area of ENT surgeries: macroscopic, (video-)endoscopic and microscopic procedures. The 3D tracking technologies involved cover mechanical, optical (active and passive), magnetic and robotic principles. The visualization tools used are computer monitors, video monitors, head-up-displays and the microscope's oculars, thus spanning the area from pointer-systems to real navigators and a surgical telepresence demonstrator, implementing the majority of available patient-to-image referencing strategies. Clinically, the systems can be operated with an acceptable accuracy of around 1 mm, whereas in laboratory settings and in cadaver studies application accuracy may be pushed to its limits: the physical resolution of the radiologic imaging used for navigation.

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