
Ultrasound elastography is a newly developed technique of imaging the tissue elasticity and it has been used clinically to examine a variety of breast lesions in patients. In general, the breast cancer tissue is harder than the adjacent normal breast tissue. Recently, we have developed a computer-aided diagnosis (CADx) system for 2D/3D stain and shearwave elastography. Several elastographic features and B-mode features are used in the proposed elastography CADx system. Several companies such as Aloka, U-systems, and Siemens have developed the new automated whole breast ultrasound (ABUS) machines to automatically scan the whole breast and save the US images into an image file. There are several hundreds or even thousands of image slices in an ABUS case. Hence, a computer-aided detection (CADe) system is proposed for the ABUS systems to find suspicious frames and locate the approximate positions of tumors in the ABUS images. An ABUS Viewer system developed in our MOEA Technology Development Program for Academia project has been transferred to TaiHao Medical Inc., Taiwan (http://taihaomed.com/) and the TaiHao’s BR-ABVS Viewer has obtained the FDA clearance in 2016.

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