
Although ultrasound (US) is the primary imaging modality for the evaluation of pelvic pain in female patients, the role of CT for this indication has expanded. Computed tomographic scanning provides a global examination that can be used to identify abdominal and pelvic disorders, with an increased level of confidence compared with US in some situations. Computed tomography is becoming increasingly utilized for evaluation of patients with acute abdominal or pelvic pain for which a gynecologic etiology is not prospectively expected. Furthermore, CT may be used when US findings are equivocal or the findings or extent of findings is beyond the field-of-view on US. This article discusses not only the CT features of a number of gynecologic and obstetric disorders that may cause acute pelvic pain in women, as well as the associated US findings in these disorders, but also the current role of CT for imaging the acute female pelvis.

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