
To define the implantation corridors in feline thoraco-lumbar vertebrae (T10-L7) using computed tomography (CT) for optimal safe placement of the implants (screws/pins) in spinal column stabilization. Computed tomographic study. Computed tomography images of feline spinal column (n = 10) were used to define the optimal safe implantation corridors (OSIC) in the transverse plane. The OSIC were defined as corridors allowing the greatest amount of bone purchase with safe margins for implantation of the bicortical implants. They were characterized by their insertion point, optimal angle (from the midsagital plane), maximum and minimum safe angles (from the same insertion points), length, and width. The OSIC are located within the vertebral bodies. Insertion points were situated at the level of the vertebro-costal joint or the base of the transverse process of the vertebral body for thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, respectively. The mean optimal angle of the OSIC was 90.2° with a maximum deviation angle from optimal angle of 10° dorsally and 8.8° ventrally in thoracic vertebrae, and 90.5° with a maximum deviation angle from the optimal angle of 8.4° dorsally and 7.6° ventrally in lumbar vertebrae. Corridors drilled in the vertebral body perpendicular to the midsagital plane (90°) or with a small angle (≤10°) of deviation from the optimal angle provide an optimal safe placement of bicortical implants. However, perpendicular implant placement may not always be feasible due to surrounding soft tissue structures.

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