
The noise generation of an axial fan is mainly caused by flow-induced noise and can therefore be extracted from its aeroacoustics. To do so, a hybrid approach separating flow and acoustics is well suited due to its low Mach number. Such a computationally efficient hybrid workflow requires a robust conservative mesh-to-mesh transformation of the acoustic sources as well as a suitable mesh refinement to guarantee good convergence behavior. This contribution focuses on the mesh-to-mesh transformation, comparing two interpolation algorithms of different complexity towards the applicability to the aeroacoustic computation of an axial fan. The basic cell-centroid approach is generally suited for fine computational acoustic (CA) meshes and low phase shift, while the more complex cut-volume method generally yields better results for coarse acoustic meshes. While the cell-centroid interpolation scheme produces source artifacts inside the propagation domain, a grid study using the grid convergence index shows monotonic convergence behavior for both interpolation methods. By selection of a proper size for the source grid and source interpolation algorithm, the computational effort of the experimentally validated simulation model could be reduced by a factor 4.06.

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