
Successful clinical development of new therapeutic interventions is notoriously difficult, especially in neurodegenerative diseases, where predictive biomarkers are scarce and functional improvement is often based on patient's perception, captured by structured interviews. As a consequence, mechanistic modeling of the processes relevant to therapeutic interventions in CNS disorders has been lagging behind other disease indications, probably because of the perceived complexity of the brain. However in this report, we develop the argument that a combination of Computational Neurosciences and Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) modeling of molecular pathways is a powerful simulation tool to enhance the probability of successful drug development for neurodegenerative diseases. Computational Neurosciences aims to predict action potential dynamics and neuronal circuit activation that are ultimately linked to behavioral changes and clinically relevant functional outcomes. These processes can not only be affected by the disease state, but also by common genotype variants on neurotransmitter-related proteins and the psycho-active medications often prescribed in these patient populations. Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) modeling of molecular pathways allows to simulate key pathological drivers of dementia, such as protein aggregation and neuroinflammatory responses. They often impact neurotransmitter homeostasis and voltage-gated ion-channels or lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, ultimately leading to changes in action potential dynamics and clinical readouts. Combining these two modeling approaches can lead to better actionable understanding of the many non-linear pharmacodynamic processes active in the human diseased brain. Practical applications include a rational selection of the optimal doses in combination therapies, identification of subjects more likely to respond to treatment, a more balanced stratification of treatment arms in terms of comedications, disease status and common genotype variants and re-analysis of small clinical trials to uncover a possible clinical signal. Ultimately this will lead to a higher success rate of bringing new therapeutics to the right patient populations.

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