
Active matter, which ranges from molecular motors to groups of animals, exists at different length scales and timescales, and various computational models have been proposed to describe and predict its behaviour. The diversity of the methods and the challenges in modelling active matter primarily originate from the out-of-equilibrium character, lack of detailed balance and of time-reversal symmetry, multiscale nature, nonlinearity and multibody interactions. Models exist for both dry active matter and active matter in fluids, and can be agent-based or continuum-level descriptions. They can be generic, emphasizing universal features, or detailed, capturing specific features. We compare various modelling approaches and numerical techniques to illuminate the innovations and challenges in understanding active matter. Active matter consists of energy-consuming units, which self-propel, exert forces on their neighbours and act collectively, resulting in emergent non-equilibrium behaviour. This Review surveys computational models that describe a wide range of active systems, from synthetic microswimmers to animal herds.

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