
Motor learning in the context of arm reaching movements has been frequently investigated using the paradigm of force-field learning. It has been recently shown that changes to somatosensory perception are likewise associated with motor learning. Changes in perceptual function may be the reason that when the perturbation is removed following motor learning, the hand trajectory does not return to a straight line path even after several dozen trials. To explain the computational mechanisms that produce these characteristics, we propose a motor control and learning scheme using a simplified two-link system in the horizontal plane: We represent learning as the adjustment of desired joint-angular trajectories so as to achieve the reference trajectory of the hand. The convergence of the actual hand movement to the reference trajectory is proved by using a Lyapunov-like lemma, and the result is confirmed using computer simulations. The model assumes that changes in the desired hand trajectory influence the perception of hand position and this in turn affects movement control. Our computer simulations support the idea that perceptual change may come as a result of adjustments to movement planning with motor learning.

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