
ABSTRACT Using a validated comprehensive model, the effect of coal particle size on two-phase flow inside a tangentially fired, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry entrained-flow coal gasifier is investigated. It is observed that the length of the central recirculation zone (CRZ) formed in the gasifier flow increases with an increase in the mean size of the injected coal particles. The CRZ lengths are 5.6, 4.5 & 2.1 m, respectively, for the cases with particle size distributions (PSDs) having mass mean diameters of 80, 40 & 20 µm. The generic swirl number, , captures this impact of particle size on the CRZ length, whereas the conventional swirl number, , is unable to do so. The value of does not vary significantly over most of the gasifier’s constant diameter zone in each case simulated in the present work, thereby underlining the utility of this swirl number to characterize similarity in swirl dynamics. Further, the analysis of the impact of coal particle size on char conversion yields that the PSD with finer particles leads to higher conversion due to the better combustibility of finer particles.

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