
In this paper, an approach that can obtain the stability derivatives through the unsteady computational fluid dynamics approach and Fourier analysis is proposed. Hybrid grids composed of boundary-layer viscous structure meshes and unstructured meshes were used. The flowfield was divided into two regions: the inner region and the outer region. The dynamic deformation grid was updated through the grid move with the body in the inner region and spring analogy in the outer region. This method can keep the quality of mesh preferably than one whole region dynamic mesh method during the course of movement of body. The validity of the computational method and dynamicmeshapproachwasverifiedbythecalculationoftheAGARDNACA0012airfoil.Thecalculationmethodof stabilityderivativeswasverifiedby6:1prolatespheroid.Theeffectsofthepresenceofthe finsonstabilityderivatives of the airship were analyzed in this paper. The method proposed in this paper can be used to calculate the stability derivatives for other aircraft and submarine vehicles.

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