
X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) allows for the resolution of dynamic processes within a material across a wide range of length and time scales. X-ray speckle visibility spectroscopy (XSVS) is a related method that uses a single diffraction pattern to probe ultrafast dynamics. Interpretation of the XPCS and XSVS data in terms of underlying physical processes is necessary to establish the connection between the macroscopic responses and the microstructural dynamics. To aid the interpretation of the XPCS and XSVS data, we present a computational framework to model these experiments by computing the X-ray scattering intensity directly from the atomic positions obtained from molecular dynamics simulations. We compare the efficiency and accuracy of two alternative computational methods: the direct method computing the intensity at each diffraction vector separately, and a method based on fast Fourier transform that computes the intensities at all diffraction vectors at once. The computed X-ray speckle patterns capture the density fluctuations over a range of length and time scales and are shown to reproduce the known properties and relations of experimental XPCS and XSVS for liquids.

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