
Triboelectric charging can strongly influence bulk powder flow behaviour, and hence its characterization is of great interest for safe manufacturing operations. In a recent development, the use of an aerodynamic disperser, employing a pressure pulse to disperse a small powder quantity, shows a great potential for inducing triboelectric charge transfer. We analyse this process by coupled Discrete Element Method and Computational Fluid Dynamics (DEM-CFD) simulations, incorporating triboelectric charge transfer. The simulations are based on property data of glass ballotini as model particles, together with those of α-lactose monohydrate (α-LM) and aspirin, as powders of practical interest. The characteristics of particle-particle and particle-wall collisions are analysed in detail. The analysis shows that pharmaceutical particles charge significantly more than glass ballotini. The charge-to-surface area ratio is remarkably constant and close to its equilibrium value for each test material. Overall, the analysis provides a great insight on the triboelectric charging by aerodynamic dispersion.

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