
In this paper we investigate the numerical approximation of an analogue of the Wasserstein distance for optimal transport on graphs that is defined via a discrete modification of the Benamou–Brenier formula. This approach involves the logarithmic mean of measure densities on adjacent nodes of the graph. For this model a variational time discretization of the probability densities on graph nodes and the momenta on graph edges is proposed. A robust descent algorithm for the action functional is derived, which in particular uses a proximal splitting with an edgewise nonlinear projection on the convex subgraph of the logarithmic mean. Thereby, suitable chosen slack variables avoid a global coupling of probability densities on all graph nodes in the projection step. For the time discrete action functional $$\Gamma $$-convergence to the time continuous action is established. Numerical results for a selection of test cases show qualitative and quantitative properties of the optimal transport on graphs. Finally, we use our algorithm to implement a JKO scheme for the gradient flow of the entropy in discrete transportation distance, which is known to coincide with underlying Markov semigroup, and test our results against a classical backward Euler discretization of this discrete heat flow.

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