
In this present work nano coconut shell charcoal (ncsc) and silicon carbide (SiC) particulates were reinforced with AZ31B Mg alloy and suitable magnesium composite was developed by using the powder metallurgy technique followed by hot extrusion. Density measurement of the Mg composites revealed that the addition of ncsc significantly improved the density of the composites and porosity measurement showed minimal porosity. The microstructure of the composites showed even distribution of the ncsc in the AZ31B/3SiC Mg composite. The compressive and impact behaviour of the samples were characterized, the results showed that on increasing the weight percentage of ncsc in AZ31B/3SiC/0.5ncsc Mg composites the mechanical properties such as ultimate compressive strength, 0.2% yield strength, ductility and impact strength decreased. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis of fractured surface of AZ31B Mg alloy and AZ31B/3SiC/0.5ncsc Mg composites showed quasi-cleavage fracture. The presence of ncsc above 0.5wt% composites revealed mixture of quasi cleavage planes and some dimples.

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