
Iris Recognition is gaining popularity in various online and offline authentication and multi-model biometric systems. The non-altering and non-obscuring nature of Iris have increased its reliability in authentication systems. The iris images captured in an uncontrolled environment and situation is the challenging issue of the iris recognition. In this paper, a compression robust and KPCA-Gabor fused model is presented to recognize the iris image accurately under these complexities. The illumination and noise robustness is included in this pre-processing stage for gaining the robustness and reliability against complex capturing. The effective compression features are generated as a phase pre-treatment vector using the Logarithmic quantization method. (Kernel Principal Component Analysis) KPCA and Gabor filters are applied to the rectified image for generating the textural features. The compression is also applied to Gabor and KPCA filtered images. The fuzzy adaptive content level fusion is applied to the compression image, KPCA-Compression, and Gabor-Compression iris-image. (K-Nearest Neighbors) KNN based mapping is used to this composite-fused and reduced feature set to recognize the individual. The proposed compression and fusion-feature based model is applied to CASIA-Iris, UBIRIS, and IITD datasets. The comparative evaluations against earlier approaches identify that the proposed model has improved the recognition accuracy and the reduction in error-rate is also achieved.

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