
The compressibility of a sample of very pure methane has been measured with high precision from 0°C to 150°C and over a pressure range of about 20 to 230 atmos. The precision attained is of the order of 1 part in 104. Small but consistent discrepancies exist between the present results and earlier measurements, and it is believed these discrepancies are the result of a small impurity of ethane in the methane used earlier. The virial coefficients of methane are redetermined from the present measurements, and the intermolecular forces of methane are calculated from the second virial coefficient for several forms of force laws. These force laws are then used to calculate the third virial coefficient, the crystal properties at 0°K, and the viscosity for comparison with experiment. All the force laws fit the second virial coefficient very well, but some can be eliminated on the basis of the other properties.

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