
The Senegalese education system has in its system a body responsible for the control, management and planning of education. This inspection body is trained at FASTEF. The training plan is dynamic and has changed a lot in terms of content relating to the profile of inspectors needed by the system. However, some aspects of the training, including the internship report, have changed very little in terms of their content and their importance in the dynamics of communication and interaction between the practice settings and the University. This communication focuses on the understanding of practices and the evaluative arrangements perceived through the internship reports of student inspectors. Our conceptual framework is based on a socioconstructivist and systemic approach inspired by Bronfenbrenners theory of human ecological development (1979, 2000, 2004). The choice of such an approach makes it possible to identify and describe the interactions between the individual and his environment. Bronfenbrenner situates these interactions of concentric structures at four levels: microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem and macrosystem. In an approach combining documentary analysis, use of individual interviews and open questionnaires, we were able to identify, among other elements: 1) the relationships of the actors based on a kind of moral contract anticipating future situations 2) a descriptive structure of the internship reports 3) a weakness in the exploitation of the contents of the reports. Also, the development of reflective practice among inspectors in internship situations, the development of pragmatic perspectives are real challenges for FASTEF.

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