
In the type-I two-Higgs-doublet model, existing theoretical and experimental constraints still permit the light charged Higgs boson with a mass below the top quark mass. We present a complete roadmap for the light charged Higgs boson at the LHC through the comprehensive phenomenology study, focusing on the normal scenario where the lighter \textit{CP}-even Higgs boson is the observed Higgs boson. In type-I, it is challenging to simultaneously accommodate the light mass of the charged Higgs boson and the constraints from theory, electroweak precision data, Higgs data, $b\to s \gamma$, and direct search bounds. Consequently, the parameter space is extremely curtailed, which predicts somewhat definite phenomenological signatures. We find that the mass of the pseudoscalar Higgs boson, $M_A$, is the most crucial factor in the phenomenology of the charged Higgs boson. If $M_A$ is light, the charged Higgs boson decays mainly into $A W^\pm$. When $M_A$ is above the $A W^\pm$ threshold, the dominant decay mode is into $ \tau^\pm \nu$. Over the whole viable parameter space, we study all the possible production and decay modes of charged Higgs bosons at the LHC, and suggest three efficient channels: (i) $pp \to H^+ H^-\to [\tau \nu] [\tau \nu]$; (ii) $pp \to HA/HH/AA \to H^\pm W^\mp H^\pm W^\mp \to [\tau \nu] [\tau \nu] W W$; (iii) $pp \to H^+ H^-\to [b \bar b W ] [b \bar b W ] $. Based on the sophisticated signal-background analyses including detector simulation, we showed that the significance of the first final state is large, that of the second one is marginal around three, but the third one suffers from huge $t\bar t$ related backgrounds.

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