
The article is devoted to the analysis of the essence of integrated research during the judicial and technical expertise to establish the prostitution of documents. The attention is drawn to the fact that the forensic examination with the establishment of the preparation of documents is the most difficult among other species of this kind of examinations and to be complex. The authors consider the peculiarities of this type of expertise and emphasizes that such examinations have difficulty in carrying out the use of special equipment and physicochemical research methods. The paths of determining the preparation of the paperwork are emphasized: determining the specific time of manufacture of each of the details with a further comparison of the results obtained among themselves; establishing conformity between the time of signature and handwritten records; the printing time of printing and text printing time, establish a chronological sequence of details in the document.
 It was concluded that the decision of the expert problem with establishing the prescription of the document requires the use of so-called "destructive methods". The main complexity of the examination of the process of making the preparation of the document is that when conducting any actions with a document (cutting, selection of ink samples), the document can be fully or partially destroyed. In this regard, expert institutions that take an obligation to carry out such examinations, pay attention to the ability to damage the document and in this connection declare a relevant request for permission to carry out such actions. Such permission should be in the document on the appointment of expertise or in the letter. Attention is drawn to the fact that not the provision of information about the time of receipt of the document may lead to the impossibility of determining the prescription of the document. After a long time and complex research process, the expert is forced to give a conclusion "is not possible."


  • Попович І.І., кандидат юридичних наук, доцент кафедри кримінального права та процесу Ужгородського Національного Університету (Ужгород, Україна)

  • Що судова експертиза із встановлення давності виконання документа є однією з найскладніших серед різних видів судово-технічної експертизи документів і носить комплексний характер

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Попович І.І., кандидат юридичних наук, доцент кафедри кримінального права та процесу Ужгородського Національного Університету (Ужгород, Україна). Гора І.В., Попович І.І., Комплексне дослідження окремих об’єктів судово-технічної експертизи документів при вирішенні питання щодо встановлення давності їх виконання

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