
Talking about the operating system, most of the people around the world are using Macintosh or windowsoperating system then why to bother about LINUX? Which is very less known and used, but these operating systems could not exist without LINUX and its ancestor UNIX. Its superior functionality and the security make it unique from the other operating systems that exist in this world. Actually, internet is the producer of LINUX[1]. The need of high security and better performancewithout rebooting it often made it the best operating system for the use of internet. Linux kernel also make its way to enter in the handheld devices and provides an environment to run various application simultaneously. In the proliferation era of android OS surpassed many changes to assess the maturity level. One in this account is hybrid design of application intended a mix of both native and web based technologies that leveraged to deliver capabilities from both native and web based application. This paper highlights the major rolled played by open source tool and cross-layer approach for growing market opportunity. LINUX is a UNIX-based operating system which was created by Finnish student named Linus Torvalds in 1991. Linus Torvalds Design the Linux kernel as anopen source as non-enterprise,after then he arguablymake original non-free license to the GPLv2. It is�open source� software which means it can be easily available to download and use. User can make changes in it according to their use. Due to this reason it has become a very powerful OS that is gaining popularity worldwide, especially among those seeking an alternative to Windows. It is free to use and install, and is more reliable than almost all other systems and it can run for many months and even years without the need of rebooting.

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