
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gives rise to non-random small RNA fragments known as ribosomal-derived small RNAs (rsRNAs), which despite their biological importance, have been relatively understudied in comparison to other short non-coding RNAs. There exists a compelling necessity to develop a methodology for the identification, categorization, and quantification of rsRNAs from small RNA sequencing (sRNA-seq) data sets, considering the unique characteristics of ribosomal RNA (rRNA). To bridge this gap, we introduce ‘rsRNAfinder’ a specialized pipeline designed within the Snakemake framework. This analytical approach enables robust identification of rsRNAs using sRNA-seq datasets from Arabidopsis thaliana. Our methodology constitutes an integrated bioinformatic pipeline designed for different kinds of analysis.1.sRNA-seq data analysis: It performs in-depth analysis of reference-aligned sRNA-seq data, facilitating rsRNA annotation and quantification.2.Parametric reporting: Our pipeline provides comprehensive reports encompassing key parameters such as rsRNA size distributions, strandedness, genomic origin, and source rRNA origin.3.Illustrative validation: We have demonstrated the utility of our approach by conducting comprehensive rsRNA annotation in Arabidopsis thaliana. This validation reveals unique rsRNAs originating from all rRNA types, each of them distinguished by distinct identity, abundance, and length.

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