
Slope streaks (SS) are enigmatic linear features characterized by relatively low-albedo features that appear and fade on high-albedo slopes on Mars. Despite numerous hypotheses proposed to explain their formation, the primary mechanism behind SS remains elusive. Here, we examine 702 SS features using 32 multitemporal Context Imager (CTX) images and mesoscale modeling data obtained from a site (centered at 31.230°N, 216.281°E) in the Olympus Mons Aureole region. Our investigation revealed several key findings that shed light on the dynamics of SS formation and fading. We discovered a significant preference for SS formation on south-facing (equator-facing) slopes compared to north-facing slopes, with SS being over seven times more likely to occur on the former. Furthermore, SS formation was found to be seasonal with significantly enhanced by a factor of ∼6 near the equinoxes (from solar longitude Ls 337°-42° and 136°-227°) compared to other times of the year. Our analysis also revealed a correlation between the rates of SS formation and fading, with scree slopes exhibited the fastest-fading SS also experiencing the highest rates of newly-formed SS. Additionally, we measured the median starting and stopping slopes of SS to be 23.4° and 14.9°, respectively, significantly below the angle of repose of sand. These low slopes suggest the necessity for an energetic trigger mechanism to initiate SS formation. Infrared spectroscopy revealed that the principal distinction between the material inside and outside of a SS lies in the reduced abundance of dust within the streak. Notably, this site demonstrates the highest rates of SS formation (a 29.6% increase in new SS per Mars year) and fading (a 12% fading of SS per Mars year) ever quantified. These elevated rates may be attributed to the site's topography, which facilitates calm surficial nighttime winds throughout the year, leading to widespread dust deposition. Daytime downhill winds near the ridgelines of S-facing slopes may then trigger movement of newly deposited dust aggregates or alternatively, a Knudsen pump phenomenon could serve as a potential trigger for SS. We propose that SS is inhibited during the northern summer solstice season due to the relatively clear aphelion atmosphere, which limits dust deposition. Similarly, the lack of triggering activity during the winter solstice is likely due to more moderate daytime winds. Overall, our findings are consistent with the wind-triggered dry avalanche hypothesis as a plausible explanation for SS formation.

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