
Leaf morphometrics are used frequently by several disciplines, including taxonomists, systematists, developmental biologists, morphologists, agronomists, and plant breeders to name just a few. Leaf shape is highly variable and can be used for identifying species or genotypes, developmental patterning within and among individuals, assessing plant health, and measuring environmental impacts on plant phenotype. Traditional leaf morphometrics requires hand tools and access to specimens, but modern efforts to digitize botanical collections make digital morphometrics a readily accessible and scientifically rigorous option. Here we provide detailed instructions for performing some of the most informative digital geometric morphometric analyses available: generalized Procrustes analysis, elliptical Fourier analysis, and shape features. This comprehensive procedure for leaf shape analysis is comprised of six main sections: A) scanning of material, B) acquiring landmarks, C) analysis of landmark data, D) isolating leaf outlines, E) analysis of leaf outlines, and F) shape features. This protocol provides a detailed reference for applying landmark and outline analysis to leaf shape as well as describing leaf shape features, thus empowering researchers to perform high throughput phenotyping for diverse applications.

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