
In absence of organic remains suitable for radiocarbon dating, archaeomagnetic dating can contribute significantly to the better understanding and rescue of our past and cultural heritage. Nowadays, in the archaeological research is fundamental to obtain as much information as possible, including precise dates of the archaeological sites; indeed, the rapid expansion of urban areas implies the destruction of archaeological structures, causing the loss of knowledge about our past. In this effort, we report an archaeomagnetic and rock-magnetic study on burnt archaeological samples from two kilns discovered at the monastery of San Pelayo del Cerrato (Cevico Navero, Palencia, Spain). This was a rescue excavation where arose the possibility of studying archaeomagnetically two ovens for the manufacture of tiles and bells before their destruction due to the restoration works of the monastery. Given their suitable conditions and the lack of independent absolute dating, the aim of the study is to archaeomagnetically date their last use. The main magnetic carrier is pseudo-single domain (PSD) Ti-poor titanomagnetite, indicating that the magnetic signal is stable. The comparison of mean full-vector values (mean direction and absolute archaeointensity determinations) with the SCHA.DIF.14k model determined their last use between 1301–1391 CE (bells´ kiln) and 1295–1404 CE (tiles´ kiln) at 95% confidence level, respectively. These dates agree well with the archaeological evidence indicating that the last use of both kilns occurred almost simultaneously or closely confined in time (14th century AD). The dating resolution obtained is comparable to the radiocarbon with the benefit that archaeomagnetism dates the last use (abandonment) of the structures and no material associated to it which might be slightly younger.

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