
The authors present the results of investigations of the physiochemical and spectroscopic characteristics of LMHA-Nd crystals, as considered on the basis of their spectral-lasing properties. LMHA-Eu is of interest as a luminophore. The authors monitored the completeness of the chemical reaction on a DRON-1 diffractometer. An x-ray analysis was carried out by the method of comparing with the data in the ASTM file of diffraction pictures, obtained in a focusing Guinier-De-Wolf monochromator-camera and a Weisenberg camera. Absorption and luminescence spectra were recorded with SDL-1 and DFS-12 spectrometers and with SF-8 and SPECORD UV-VIS spectrophotometers and in the infrared with a high-resolution Fourier spectrometer. Analysis of the polarized spectra of LMHA-Nd shows that the symmetry of the impurity centers in LMHA is lower than tetragonal and triagonal. The same conclusion follows from an analysis of the luminescence spectra of LMHA-Eu with selective excitation.

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