
As a dangerous source of man-made debris flow with high potential energy, tailings dams can cause huge losses to people’s lives and property downstream once they break, and their safety control problem is particularly prominent. The health diagnosis of tailings dams is a complex and nonlinear problem full of uncertainty. At present, the health diagnosis of tailings dams is mostly qualitative evaluation or quantitative analysis aiming at a single index, so this study puts forward a comprehensive quantitative diagnosis method of tailings dam health based on dynamic weight. Slope stability, deformation stability and seepage stability are taken as project layers, and the diagnosis index system of the tailings dam is constructed. The quantitative methods of diagnosis indexes of project layers are proposed. For the dam slope stability project, the safety factor and the reliability index of tailings dams are determined based on the Monte Carlo method, which can consider the uncertainty of tailings material parameters. For the deformation stability project, the normal operation values of deformation rate and deformation amount are determined by analyzing the in situ observation data and combining them with the numerical simulation results. For the seepage stability project, through the analysis of seepage and stability, the relationship curve between the depth of saturation line and the safety factor of anti-sliding stability is established. The norms method is used to determine the quantitative standards for the diagnosis indexes of the basic layer. Based on the analytical hierarchy process method and the penalty variable weight method, the method of dynamic weight of the project layer index is proposed. The proposed methods are applied to a practical engineering project. The results show that the methods can accurately reflect the health status of tailings dams. This study provides a new method for evaluating the safety of tailings dams.


  • Introduction iationsThe tailings pond is a place for storing tailings, and the tailings dam is a dam structure around the tailings pond, which is a key project to ensure the normal operation of the tailings pond

  • The norm [35] describes that the tailings dams with a minimum safety factor of less than 0.95 times the stipulated value belong to the dangerous reservoir, so this value is taken as u2, which is the threshold value of the diseased and dangerous level, and the safety factor of 1 is taken as u2∗, which is the lower limit value

  • The health value of theDiagnosis project-layer index is obtained by summarizing the health health value of the project-layer index is obtained summarizing the health valueThe of the effect quantity index, and the health values of thebyslope stability project, the value of the effect quantity and the health values of the stability the deformation stability projectindex, and the seepage stability project areslope

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Standardization Method of Health Value

The effect quantity of each diagnosis index is different, and it is not commensurable. The index diagnosis result is processed to make it dimensionless, that is, it is converted into the form of health value, and the influence of index unit and numerical magnitude is excluded. The health value interval is set to [0, 1], in which the health value of 1 is the most ideal health state. The health value of the basic index is calculated by standardized Equation (1):. Where X is the index health value; U is the diagnosis parameter of the basic index; u1 is the threshold value of the healthy and diseased level; u2 is the threshold value of the diseased and dangerous level;.u1∗ . Are the upper and lower limits of the diagnosis parameters, respectively, and the health values exceeding the limits are 1 and 0 Where X is the index health value; U is the diagnosis parameter of the basic index; u1 is the threshold value of the healthy and diseased level; u2 is the threshold value of the diseased and dangerous level;.u1∗ . and u2∗ . are the upper and lower limits of the diagnosis parameters, respectively, and the health values exceeding the limits are 1 and 0

The Analytical Hierarchy Process
The Penalty Variable Weight Method
Diagnosis Method of the Index of Effect Quantity Layer
Slope Stability Project
Deformation Stability Project
Case Study
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Diagnosis of the Seepage Stability Project
Full Text
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