
The domestic Pigeons (Columbia livia domestica) are hardy birds that can be raised with little effort. They are able to survive in hostile climates and fend for themselves, often ranging over many kilometers in attempt to locate seeds and edible scraps. In Nigeria pigeons are well distributed in the different agro-ecological zones of the country. In Benue State and indeed Nigeria, the available domestic pigeon population is largely genetically and phenotypically uncharacterized. Considering this fact, the present study was conducted on Comprehensive Description of Body Shapes, Sizes and Plumage Colorations of Domestic Pigeons in Benue State, Nigeria. Field data collection phase of the study was carried out through combined use of questionnaire and fortnightly visits for a period of six months. A total of sixty pigeon farmers and three hundred domestic pigeons were covered during the survey. Mature body weights were measured to the nearest grammes on all the adult birds covered during the field data phase using a 5kg capacity weighing scale. Plumage, beak and shank colourations/colour patterns were measured via visual observations during the two phases of the experiment. Body, shank, beak, thigh and wing lengths and breast girth were measured at maturity using a graduated linear scale (rule) and tailor’s tape. Bird height (from leg on the ground up to the level of the back of the bird) was also measured. Qualitative data collected were subjected to descriptive statistics such as percentages and averages, while the data quantitative (economics) traits were analyzed through the use of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) technique and correlation analysis based on the SPSS II programme. Ash plumage predominated other colours, constituting 16.94% of all the observed plumage colours. This was closely followed by brown (12.78%), black (12.22%) and white (12.22%) with black and grey colour being the rarely observed (1.39%). About 56% of the pigeons surveyed had muffed feet (feathered feet). The overall mean weight of 326.63±1.69 for male and 312.25±1.83 for female pigeons kept on semi-intensive system is slightly lower. In terms of morphological traits, the pigeons demonstrated a great deal of variations and complexities in plumage, shank and beak colourations. The variations observed in other quantitative traits such as linear body measurements (body, shank and beak lengths breast girth and bird height) revealed no significant difference ((P>0.05).

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