
Large quantities of highly polluted point-source wastewaters (EDWs) are generated from electric desalting process of heavy oils (HOs), resulting in severe impacts on the efficiency of wastewater treatment plants in petroleum refineries. In the present study, a comprehensive chemical analysis and characterization of EDWs of two typical Chinese heavy oils, Liaohe heavy oil (LHO) and Karamy heavy oil (KHO), were investigated using Daqing light oil (DLO) as a control. The HO-EDWs (LHO-EDW and KHO-EDW) show high pollutants contents with complicated compositions, more polar dissolved organic pollutants (DOPs), strong emulsion stability and high acute biotoxicity towards Vibrio fischeri, compared to DLO-EDW. LHO-EDW and KHO-EDW have nearly equal pollutants contents but different compositions and distributions, where more types of DOPs exist in KHO-EDW. Large amounts of biologically recalcitrant aromatic compounds, as well as heteroatomic compounds such as CHO, CHOS and CHON species, extensively distribute in HO-EDWs. The organic nitrogen compounds (e.g., anilines and N2–3Ox, N1OxS1) in KHO-EDW most probably contribute to and thus leading to elevated levels of acute biotoxicity. Additionally, highly dispersed colloidal, micron-sized particles and polar compounds promote the emulsification and stabilization of HO-EDWs. These results can guide the development of pretreatment technologies for HO-EDWs, thus improving the treatment and management of heavy oil refineries' wastewater streams.

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