
Although camel milk is increasingly becoming a popular alternative to bovine milk around the world including Australia, studies of Australian camel milk are still lacking. A comprehensive and systematic analysis of major nutritional components, physical properties, antimicrobial enzymes and whey proteomes of Australian camel milk obtained over four seasons was conducted, for the first time in present study. The composition and physical properties of Australian camel milk varied with season, milking frequency and yield. The highest lactoperoxidase and polyamine oxidase activity was observed in summer and winter, respectively. A total of 97 proteins were quantified, on a relative basis, across all the seasonal bulk milk samples. Summer camel milk contained higher amounts of functional whey proteins, such as lactotransferrin, peptidoglycan recognition protein 1, osteopontin and lactoperoxidase. These results contribute to a better understanding of the Australian camel milk and provide insights into processing of dairy products from this milk.

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