
Over the last decade, social innovation has received greater attention and emerges as a relevant topic for academics, firms and institutions (Sanzo-Perez, Alvarez-Gonzalez & Rey-Garcia, 2015). Globally, social innovation is acknowledged through the recent focus of the G8 on the theme of impacting investment. In this context, Portugal was invited, in 2015, to be part of a small group of five countries that joined the G8 countries in leading the global social investment agenda. At the European level, social innovation also assumes a special focus through the Social Business Initiative. At this level, Portugal is also included as one of the promoters of social innovation, through the Portugal Social Innovation initiative, as the first program of a Member State aimed at boosting social innovation, financed by European Structural Funds. Currently, Portugal assumes a preeminent role in the field of social innovation, with a growing number of innovation and social entrepreneurship initiatives that have gained national and international recognition. In order to better understand the concept associated with social innovation, bibliometric analysis was chosen to deliver insights, which allows analyzing the trend of publications associated to the theme.

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