
Relevance the main component for production of feed products in livestock industry is feed grain. The provision of the republic with grain crops, as well as exports, are associated with their use for fodder purposes, consumption traditionally accounts for more than half of the domestic consumption of their processed products. The goal is to study the problems and prospects of the feed industry, which determines the effective functioning of the entire grain market, supplying agricultural enterprises and farms with necessary and high-quality feed. This was largely facilitated by the intensive development of food industry and grain farming, which became the main suppliers of raw materials for feed mills. Methods – comparative, systemic, statistical analysis, logical generalization. Results – the authors note that in the structure of feed raw materials, main share falls on barley, oats, wheat, while the share of corn and legumes has decreased. Based on the available livestock, the standard needs of animal husbandry are not provided. The export orientation of domestic grain production is primarily aimed at the needs of the world market, at the same time, domestic needs are satisfied on a residual basis. Rational use of cereals will improve the quality and competitiveness of animal products. The opportunities created by «National Company «Food Contract Corporation» JSC for the sale of grain fodder to poultry farms enhance holding back the prices for finished food products by concluding agreements with manufacturers and retail chains. Conclusions – it is obvious that the basis for the transfer of the livestock complex to industrial resource-saving technologies is the creation of a solid forage base. Without a balanced feeding of animals in terms of protein and vitamin-amino acid composition, other measures will not have the expected result. Emphasis is placed on the need to increase the capacity of large enterprises to provide feed products on industrial scale and manufacture dry nutritious feed mixtures in feed mills and factories based on their own raw materials, mineral and vitamin supplements for grain processing and livestock farms.

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